Podcast: You Can Be Perfect Or You Can Be Happy With Karith Foster
Oct 7
Karith Foster
US Author of the best selling book: You Can Be Perfect or You Can Be Happy (How to Let Go, Worry Less and Get A Life!), Karith Foster is a TV Host, Comedian, and passionate Diversity Specialist whose signature programs are impacting lives at academic institutions and corporations across America. For nearly two decades, Karith has taken her talent for entertainment and comedy nationwide - creating powerful mindset shifts and revolutionising the way issues of diversity and leadership are addressed in the workplace.
The words “no” and “impossible” are not in Karith’s vocabulary as evidenced by her career path, life challenges, chosen adventures and desire to help others.
Karith is also CEO & Founder of F.R.A.M.E - the Foster Russell Alliance for Meaningful Expression, a non-profit organisation, whose mission is to inspire free speech, inclusion, social change and empowerment through education and mentorship. She is a featured comedian in two hit documentary films “Can We Take a Joke?” and "No Safe Spaces" which won accolades from The Washington Post and TIME Magazine, as has her TEDx Talk: “The Art of Defying Stereotypes: Learning to be True to Your Voice”. Karith is an alumna of both Stephens College (Missouri) and Oxford University in the UK. (Connection Central)
ABOUT THE HOST: Jane Bayler is a serial entrepreneur, investor, speaker, event host and business scale up expert. She had a 20 year history in global media and advertising, before becoming a serial entrepreneur herself, with multiple businesses in real estate, marketing and education. Having grown and sold a £6M brand identity business to US communications group Interpublic, today she is most passionate about and committed to serving other entrepreneurs – helping them grow their businesses and achieve their best lives.
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* According to 129 studies and a British research group.
1- Diversity training doesn’t work. We’ve been going about DEI all wrong: https://heterodoxacademy.org/blog/diversity-training-doesnt-work-this-might/
2 - Humor is linked to reward processing: http://www.nature.com/neuro/journal/v4/n3/abs/nn0301_237.html
3 - Dopamine is linked to motivation and long-term memory: https://www.nature.com/articles/nrn1406
4 - According to 129 studies and a British research group
* According to 129 studies and a British research group.
1- Diversity training doesn’t work. We’ve been going about DEI all wrong: https://heterodoxacademy.org/blog/diversity-training-doesnt-work-this-might/
2 - Humor is linked to reward processing: http://www.nature.com/neuro/journal/v4/n3/abs/nn0301_237.html
3 - Dopamine is linked to motivation and long-term memory: https://www.nature.com/articles/nrn1406
4 - According to 129 studies and a British research group
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